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Ellwood map.jpg

Ellwood is a town located in the north-eastern part of The Valley located between two hills to the east and west from the city. It is comprised of a wide variety of buildings - from single-storey residentials to three-storey commercials and warehouses.


  • Hospital comprised of two separate buildings located at the south-eastern corner of the town.
  • Two warehouses at the south-western corner of the town.
  • Two food stores - one at the north-western side of the town and another one closer to the center, near the hospital.
  • Water tower and well at the north-eastern part of the city.
  • Crashed plane located to the south.
  • Subway station entrance.
  • Remains of military checkpoint.
  • Sealed-off and damaged highrise building next to the hospital.


  • Large number of Undead inside the town.
  • Group of bandits can spawn on the road leading into the town from the north.
  • Group of Irradiated undead always present near crashed airplane on the road leading into the town from the south.
