Field Guide/Vehicles FG

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Abandoned vehicles dot the landscape, presenting varying degrees of disrepair. Keep a keen eye out for smoke plumes and engine fires, offering cues to potentially derivable vehicles. However, appearances can be deceiving. Fortunately, the Zombpocalypse has improved your mechanical prowess to allow you to repair almost anything with a trusty set of tools. Remember to secure fuel: gas stations typically contain "Vehicle Repair Kits" and "Gas Cans." Activate the repair kit with and "F" press near the engine for fixes, and most fuel caps are located on the driver's side, to the rear.
Repair Kits can also be Crafted if you find yourself in dire need.
Different vehicles will behave...differently, in some cases wildly. As you acquire new vehicle options, make sure you know their capabilities before something is chasing you or shooting at you. If you establish a secure location, consider having several vehicles on hand for different uses. If you don't, it's still worth considering having a spare or two.
Plowing through water is fun, but they aren't submarines and will eventually sputter out. Vehicles may also need repairs after spending too long running through water.

  • In need of additional storage? Make use of the vehicle's storage trunk. The storage capacity will differ based on the vehicle type.
  • If you are in a hurry, know which sides have the extra interactions (Repair/Refuel/Storage/etc) to avoid getting entangled in them when you're trying to bail into the vehicle.
  • If you find yourself stuck in the vehicle, try pressing the "K" key to give it a "kick".
  • Placing at least one item in the Vehicle Storage will help prevent the vehicle from Despawning due to events and resets.