Field Guide/Crafting

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To establish a base of operations, your initial task involves locating crafting materials, with many conveniently found during scavenging across Longdown Valley. In a pinch, you can venture out to harvest basic materials like stone, metal, and wood directly from the sources. Whether through scavenging or harvesting, acquiring resources is essential.
Crafting materials can be acquired through looting, with certain places of interest offering higher yields. The list below serves as a helpful starting point. Keep in mind that build costs are substantial, and gathering a sufficient amount of materials may require a significant investment of time.

  • Cloth - Luggage or retail store. (You can also rip apart clothing items for it.)
  • Rope - Widely found while looting.
  • Food Can - Widely found while looting and added to inventory upon eating canned food..
  • Nails - Widely found while looting.
  • Gun powder - Generally found while looting.
  • Bullet casing - Generally found while looting.
  • Tape - Generally found while looting.
  • Alcohol - Widely found while looting.
  • Cement - Construction site cement mixers.
  • Electronic Wire - Generally found while looting.
  • Polymer - Areas with higher level enemies.

To make the most use of your Inventory space, use the Toolboxes and stack your resources. You might be surprised how much you can fit inside one. Tip: Crafting resources can be made more or less available in the Settings Menu, depending on the challenge desired.