Field Guide/Skill Tree

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As you level up, you will be awarded skill points. Skill points are used when unlocking Skills. You can access the Skill Tree by pressing "J" to bring up the journal. Then select the Skills tab. Expended points can be reset without penalty so feel free to try different combinations.


Lockpicking involves physically manipulating the lock with a lock pick. Finding the "open" position take time and skill, but don't rush it or you;ll find yourself with a pile of broken picks. Note: Manipulate the lock pick by sliding the mouse left/right. Turn the lock with the prying tool by using "A" and "D" keys on the keyboard. If you break all your lock picks, you can make more with your Crafting Skills

First Aid

Longdown Valley is full of dangers. "Safety First" is a good mindset to have. You can craft "Rags" and "Bandages" from the Crafting Menu until you find better alternatives while scavenging around. To access the menu, bring up your inventory by pressing either the "TAB" or "I" keys. There will be a tab at the top left titles "CRAFTING". From there you can create Rags and Bandages to heal. Note: Once Experience Level 2 is reached, you can spend a skill point into Health Regen for a passive healing ability resulting in 1% HP every 2 seconds. Tip: Numerous medical supplies can be compacted into a "Medical Container" that only takes up a small space in your inventory. Aggressive players may want to Hotkey some medical supplies.

You should not only be concerned about raw damage, but also be aware that negative status effects, or debuffs, can occur when taking damage.

Bleed Heavy Bleed Broken Bones Radiation Sickness
FG Bleed.png
FG HBleed.png
FG BBone.png
FG Rads.png
Lose Health over time Lose Health over time at a faster rate Unable to sprint Lose Health over time
2-4% HP lost every 1-2 seconds 4-6% HP lost every 1-1.5 seconds Fixed with applying a Splint, Civilian Medkit or Medkit 15% HP lost ever 5 seconds
Fixed with applying Bandages or First Aid Kits Fixed with applying Bandages or First Aid Kits Fixed with taking Radiation Pills, but constant exposure will require additional doses.

Note: Radiation Filters in your Mask provide protection, but they are consumed over time - carry spares.


Fishing is a skill that requires patience and offers a delicious reward. Whether you perceive it as a source of relaxation or an annoyance, a fishing pole must be equipped before engaging in the activity. Approach a body of water and click the "LMB" button. When you notice the line shaking, click "LMB" again to reel in your catch. As with other wildlife, cooking the meat improves its benefits.