Field Guide/Survivor Notes

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The are a collection of notes made as a reminder to myself and others during exploration.

  • Be careful when making noise as this can attract the attention of nearby Undead. ON the other hand, you can use sirens and horns to attract them...if you're ready.
  • Suppressors and scopes are your friends. The less noise you make and the further away you are, the less likely humans and zeds will be able to respond effectively.
  • Getting out of an Undead's line of sight increases the likelihood of it breaking off pursuit.
  • Be mindful of your stamina. You will swing slower when you are exhausted and you will also not be able to sprint away.
  • Undead are slightly stunned when you strike with melee attacks. Longer melee weapons can stun multiple opponents. Take advantage and hit them while they're stunned.
  • Melee undead from behind to increase your chances of critical hits.
  • Shoot Radiated Undead at range in the early game when you do not have masks/filters or radiation pills to counter radiation sickness or you will die from it.
  • Always have an exit strategy! When in doubt - RUN and drop grenades/molotovs.
  • Reload early. Reload often. Some weapons reload straight from your pockets and ammo slots, others use magazines. Make sure you have room for the empty mag or you'll drop it on the ground.
  • Clear out your top level Inventory often so you have space for looting and reloading when you're in a rush.
  • If you try fighting up close, keeps your medical supplies at your fingertips. (Hotkeys)
  • Hiding vehicles stocked with gear gives you options in case your base is besieged (and gear in the trunk blocks de-spawn).
  • Mobility and stealth - make friends with one or the other, both if you can.
  • Always assume there's one more zed. There's always one more zed.
  • Remember where you parked your vehicle. You may be in a hurry when you need to find it. (Use your map markers!) Don't park it somewhere you can't get back to...especially up a mountain somewhere.
  • If it's important to what you're doing...take two, just in case.
  • You may have to make do with damaged guns sometimes. Upgrade as soon as possible, because they will eventually fail and jam on you. (I miss fresh strawberry jam...)
  • Choose your weapons for the job they do, not what you want them to do. Sometimes a "lesser" gun is a better choice because more ammo and magazines are available.
  • Practice your skills in safe places. You can train up skills that will make a difference in combat. Remember, contrary to popular belief, practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes proficient. Only perfect practice makes perfect, and there is no such thing at perfect practice.
  • Swing first - getting the first hit can be worth risking the stamina cost of missing if it keeps your opponent staggered for followup hits.
  • Use books to advance your training. Take heed, the multiplier books stop their effect when the relevant skill levels up - check how far off that is.
  • Are they dropping the supplies where the people are, or are the survivors gathering where they drop the supplies?
  • How would they know where survivors are gathering? Who is flying the planes...or is anyone?