Field Guide/Traders

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In addition to the Safe Zones, various Traders can be found across the valley. Once you are outfitted with a GPS device, many of their locations will be visible on the Map. Some traders are able to stay off the radar and will only be found while roaming throughout Longdown Valley. Be sure to revisit any Traders when you are nearby, because the supplies they offer will change over time as they trade with others.

The Wandering Trader is one of the vendors that is not visible on a map. He is often found backpacking across the valley, hence the name. Sometimes he can easily be found at the Longdown Valley Safe Zone. He sells rare high-end equipment which comes with a high cost. Most of his items take "Credits" Instead of cash. Cash can be exchanged for Credits, from the Black Market Traders located at the Safe Zones, at a rate of 1,000 Cash for 1 Credit.
Note: The Wandering Trader will defend himself from attackers.

The traveling Military Trader sells high-end equipment, much like that of the Wandering Trader. Before visiting, you will want to make sure you have all of your credits on hand as very few items are sold for cash here.

The Shakes Cones Shop is also a traveling trader with a distinctive sound. Shakes Cones Shop sells mainly common level items but these too can server as upgrades to your inventory.

The Vehicle Trader is a place where you can purchase specific vehicles, rather than trying to find them yourself randomly throughout the valley. The trader also sells Vehicle Repair Kits and Gas Cans at a premium price.